Hello warriors, how are you?
Well…..I think I say this every week lol….but SO much has happened! I truly thought that my newsletter would struggle for content as lets face it, its not like I go anywhere! But every week so much seems to be happening!
YouTube has gone mental! I was saying this to myself:
As you (might) know, I switched off the consultancy as there was too many bookings. I have days of editing to do with amazing guides that I desperately need to get done.
Plus there are so many videos on my list to film that I know WILL add value to peoples lives. It got to the point where I had to give myself a reality check and ask for:
My main mentor with YouTube is Jamie:
I thought we would meet up every 9 months or so but as everything is moving so quickly we are chatting about every 2 months! Well, this week he gave me a very LOVELY bit#h slap (he would not word it like that LOL).
His main action point was: SWITCH BACK ON THE CONSULTANCY!!!!
He helped me review what I am doing and was really surprised at how much people are searching for me so they can reach out to me. Jamie helped me prioritize so I can then in turn help other people!
Which leads us to: the haters.
Before I even got to 1,000 subscribers I got messages that I am being watched by the Government. I knew that putting myself on YouTube and specifically doing training on PIP, I would be a target.
Honestly, I am scared. The PIP funding was my only income until I started the consultancy a few weeks ago. And like everyone that is truly chronically ill and unable to work, we depend on this funding to live.
I mean I am having to move out of my bungalow into a shed as I cannot afford my home due to losing my job due to CHRONIC ILLNESS.
So, people are challenging me:
If you can type you can do buttons on your clothing
If you can’t open your mouth to eat it, means you are asleep
You WILL be investigated
You should get a job
You are a faker
Well done for teaching fakers how to win
All people on PIP are fakers and need a job
These are the NICE comments as I have a hold on ones with key words. I do not even check those comments and my audience is protected from these comments as well.
And so on. So, my plan very early on is that I cannot read the comments as it will negatively impact my mental health. You know when your pain is up, your exhausted and more emotional than usual. Well, think in that mindset and reading crap like that. I need to avoid it.
My plan with haters is to be like:
The Queen - if it will not make history = do not comment
Ali Abdaal - delete it
KSI - haters make me money, keep watching my videos you paid for my house
But here is the challenge I am currently having:
I do not have income to get help for this yet (someone else managing the comments)
I do NOT want the community to become like the negative, inaccurate other places on social media (I know not everywhere is like that). It is REALLY important to me that every comment gets replied to. And that ONLY accurate information is on the chats in the comment section
This means, I need to read the comments and reply.
I think I made a mistake on Wednesday this week. I replied to a couple of people as I felt like they were more uneducated rather than trolls. I think I should have simply deleted the comments.
Also in one of the comments, someone recognized me from where I walk Ollie. I didn’t expect that. If a hater manages to track me down…..I am going to be scared as lets face it. I cannot run away!
I am getting nervous. I am worried the DWP will target me due to my guides. On one hand I feel like, when that happens I will know I really am making a difference.
I stand by my decision to launch YouTube:
Provide value
Help people who are chronically ill improve their quality of life
Do videos I wish had been available when I first became sick (so I could have saved myself years of suffering)
I am NOT going to let the haters get to me……well get to me to the point that I stop what I am doing. I know I will wobble at times. But I am so grateful that I can talk to you.
Achievement of the week:
I feel like this week it has been my learning curve that I am on, that is the achievement. I did the meeting with my mentor, I did MANY meetings with people about their PIP Claims.
Its in the meetings with the warriors, learning about their lives that I have learnt so much.
I am on a very harsh learning curve regarding autism. I learnt a lot working with code name ADAPTING PARTNERS. And we are developing a crew of mums who are trying to battle through PIP for their children who are autistic.
Like everyone with chronic illness, how it impacts us is unique to the individual. With autism diagnoses you get massive reports. They should be 100% helpful for PIP Claims, but I am finding there is SO much content some contridict themselves. And some are written in a very ‘fluffy’ manner for the future, which PIP then quote and it causes issues.
My main learning curve is: the Government categorizes people so that when an autistic person turns 18, they are independent.
I mean WHAT THE ACTUAL FCUK. Just turning fcuking 18 doesn’t mean there is a magical cure FFS. Its so much stress on the parents, its very frustrating.
So, with this learning curve I am working on guides as well.
I am LOVING how much I am learning! I have stuck a subscription button in in case you are reading this and not subscribed as the guides for autism and PIP will be released via this newsletter, so please subscribe if you are interested
What has made me happy this week:
I am really sorry to link everything to the warriors out there, but this is truly what has made me so happy this week (and knackered LOL):
Talking to (code names):
The Good Life - she is now my mentor on my eating habits, the challenge of healthy foods that take zero time to prepare (my mum is not a ‘cooker’ LOL) and I also do an update on addiction to sugar (no relapse so far….its harder than reducing Opioids)
The Legal Queen - she is mentoring me on all the legal stuff and we are doing a test on PIP (updates to follow)
Gym Shark - we had such a laugh chatting (we did do loads of PIP stuff as well)
Team Sleepers - we did an amazing project on ‘aids’ which I will film as soon as I get my new camera (the other one died)
Not A Chatter - was as crap at technology as me, but we managed lol
The Charmer - has been amazing about my time to get the work complete and is part of my major learning curve
Infinite - is doing amazing stuff
Lara Croft - and I had a catch up and are booked next week
Heinz Beans - is doing great and managed to go on holiday!
Rosol - is ready for our practice sessions
Bros - is making stunning progress and I say this quite selfishly…..is going to help me sort the website! As my mentor was not impressed I do not have one LOL
OK….I knew I was busy……but I am going to stop typing this bit. If I have spoken to you and you are not on the list….there are loads of you! It will make the newsletter too long LOL. Its just been amazing. Part of the problem is everyone is so damn interesting, I just wish I had more time!
Books I have read: None :(
Arthritic update:
OK. I KNOW I am doing too much. I am having really bad pain nights, so I am averaging 2hrs sleep a night.
I have washed er….twice in 7 days. I just do not have the energy. My neck, ribs, jaw and right hip are the most grumpy.
I do have a plan.
I have two documents to write. Loads of meetings and deadlines for the next 3 days, then I am prioritizing getting HELP.
Tawanda is back to work after the African Christmas break, I feel like he has been off for MONTHS! He helps me with Calendly and techi stuff.
I have two meetings this week with some very strong women who might be able to help me with my work load.
I know I need to get help before my body shuts down. I am working to avoid this. But, I have to clear the tasks I have first, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. But a couple of days a go, I was getting a bit worried about completing everything.
When I relaunch the consultancy, the prices will be more expensive and I am reducing my offerings down so that I can split my focus on helping people via YouTube, templates, etc and as a consultant.
I need income but more importantly I need to help people for FREE. I know it should be the other way round, but its not. I am going to balance the two.
This is a new section due to this:
And the subscribers:
Its very clear that people want PIP Training from me and I will deliver!
I have a REALLY REALLY important video coming out as soon as I get it edited. I did find an editor and paid $100 to get it done. It was sh#t. Even with my ‘fatigue editing’ the way I do it is much better.
So, my plan is to edit it at 0400 tomorrow am. So, I can still make the meetings.
This is the most important thing, I really wanted to have it here for you as we have a lot of new people subscribed to this (thank you Jamie for pointing out I wasn’t promoting this - because I am a d#ck lol…..I just didn’t think about it)
To all of you new warriors!!!
And of course,
To all of you who have been with me from the very start!
What I am looking forward to:
SOoooooo much!
My meetings with PIP warriors
Ollies training is going amazing, we are going to book our Level 1 assistance dog exam very soon! I showed my dog training mentor my YouTube channel and she has a channel as well, so now we are doing a skill trade. I am sharing the knowledge I learnt on PTYA and she is sharing her dog training skills! Yes!
My oldest friend (our mums were best friends when we were babies/young children) has tracked me down and got back in contact…….guess how she found me?! Yep, YouTube put one of my videos as a recommendation! We get to chat this coming week, I am sooo excited
MASSIVE NEWS! Finally, British Gas came and made the bungalow safe, so next week is 4 days of electrical work being carried out. I am a bit worried about the logistics of no power for long days and their work day is longer than I can be up for. So it makes it tough.
But, as soon as that is done, we can get the flooring done in Gerti (the posh shed I am moving into) and I can move out! This will massively help my financial situation as my mum cannot claim rent when I am in the property.
My mum and I are very excited about having our own space. And when I move into Gertie, I really think I have planned it out so I can be more independent.
I am sooo excited.
This weeks video:
Take care of yourself
Hang on in there Charlie!! Never respond to the naysayers and haters. I'm 68, housebound and live alone in chronic pain - post polio. Please learn to love your electric throw and to pace yourself. Paid carer's help is c£15-20 per hour and is so worth it to allow your pain periods to be more contained. I find I really get extra stiff and more pain from arithritic hip if I forget my omega supplement and his cat version kept my 19 yr old cat going for a few precious years.
It's hard being positive in the face of daily struggle but you have a lot of well wishers on your side who admire what you do and are seriously grateful. Well Done and Big Hugs.