Hello warriors, how are you?
Well on the 6th of August 2023, Wendy’s PIP (Personal Independence Claim) finally came to a head. This has been on going for Wendy since: 28/4/22…..yep that is how long this was hanging over her head.
(The above image is after we tried ‘Arthritic Hobbies - makeup’ we are trying to look normal LOL….I didn’t want to start this with a crying photo for once!!
We met about four weeks before her first Tribunal on 24/2/23, we bonded as we recognised each other was in PAIN….any way…back to the Tribunal….
It was a nightmare in the build up for Wendy……we had done so much prep for it and in the week before (we got two weeks notice when it was finally booked).
What was interesting was when we went in, it was NOTHING like the first part of the Tribunal and I think Wendy nailed the reason. The submission pack. I am not saying that to big myself up…..I want it to be clear to everyone doing a Tribunal that the submission pack is CRITICAL.
The first Tribunal, the Judge literally went back over 7years to a random hospital appointment, this one…..the introduction had been done. So, they were able to get to key points.
The Judge was AMAZING, so was the Doctor and the Disability Specialist…..and more importantly…..Wendy was FANTASTIC.
The Judge was honest and explained, if she got emotional do not worry about it….unfortunately he needed to see it. And I get that, they have a very short amount of time to identify if what you are saying is the truth.
Wendy got questioned on areas we had not prepped for……you never can tell what they will focus on. Our weeks of prepping did great:
She was calm
She took her time before answering
She referred to our notes on the table
She covered the key areas we planned on
She did not use the key words that would render her claim null and void
She did amazing, she listened to her body and moved when she needed to. She focused on me when I pointed to things or touched her arm. I always agree a plan before I do these types of things.
And we won!! Unfortunately, the truth is……if we had not met and if Wendy had not trusted me…..she would have lost. Even though she had evidence and she is entitled to PIP…..its about how you explain things and using correct terminology.
When they said she won……Wendy looked at me……not sure if it was true……as soon as I said:
YES! You won!!! You got it…
That was it…..more tears (and there were many before this…..its brutal). Then I was trying to hand her more tissues….my eyes were welling up…this was just impacting Wendy’s life….her mum is 80 and helps care for her and support her financially.
Losing was not an option.
I am so happy for them and the Judge was fantastic when he explained that Wendy had paid into the system her whole life, she clearly was not well. To use this funding to help take a break and get back on track.
For Wendy, it was relief….financially and more for her mental health…..this was no longer hanging over her head……and someone believed her! The vlog below is when we got back to the car…..in the car park outside the Tribunal…..and when we called her mum with the news….its brilliant!
Achievement of the week:
I spoke to my boss….sorry friend LOL….Richard….the Tribunal totally wiped me out….when I spoke to him and had someone objective to talk to I doubled my meds (pain relief and went on a course of high steroids).
I just thought that finishing work would mean I could do more. Nope. I have also cancelled ALL socialising as my body just cannot take it.
I am still going to the carboot on a Sunday and to the Nursing home…..but the other socialising is making me bed ridden for most of the week and I have missed carboots due to it. That volunteering, really helps me out….more than my volunteering helps Terri lol.
I see this self awareness as a major achievement. I need to adapt to my new chapter and figure out how to thrive in this way.
What has made me happy this week:
I managed to get out of bed, get dressed…..for at least half of the week. Also, I managed to take Ollie for a short walk….twice. You know when I say walk it involves a lot of sitting on the ground….but it still counts.
I am so so happy I was able to get out again. I am scared about next week as I come off the steroid boost. But, I am hoping its enough to help my body mend.
Books I have read:
They are stunningly, terrible LOL
So this author, does military romance…..this set (7 I think) is about a rescue team living in a small town on the Appalachia Trial….it involves…..Bigfoot hahahaha cannot believe I typed that…..well a Bigfoot search…..a TV show filming it…..murder and GREAT sex…..it made me very happy LOL
Richard…..never ever waste your time with these books LMFAO
But, if anyone is reading this, with high pain….brain fog and wants easy reading that is full on romance….they are great! Every bloke totally knows where the clit is and how to get good results!
Arthritic update:
Wendy had to rescue us this week and do a food shop (we were not well enough to do the online ordering….my pain was so severe I couldn’t sit at my desk……and she took Ollie out twice.
My spine….shoulders and neck are still really not happy. But, but doubling…..and er….also taking at more intervals….I am able to move around and spend about 1hr a day at my desk…..no more or it gets really bad.
I am mainly in bed….but its getting much easier. Fire doors are evil.
Did I tell you that Security explained, loads (and she meant LOADS) of people literally limp in for PIP Tribunals then walk out absolutely normally. I am so glad she told us as I was really angry at where the room is and the number of doors.
But, they have to do this due to the fakers. Gutted.
What I am looking forward to:
I want to look like this more:
And less like this:
And I am gutted it means socialising less. I need to go back to Facetime….as it hurts a lot less….but at least I am chatting.
I do not do well, if I cannot work at my desk….this is my freedom.
This weeks vlog:
I have more vlogs coming on Ollie and I, PIP and so much more….please subscribe to keep in contact with our journey!
Take care of yourself
Charlie & Ollie
P.S Ollie is good, she is very settled when I crash (sleep for long periods) and she chills out. But she is very happy I am awake most days now! Next week I want to start getting back on track with her training. I have not done any since way before I lost my job and I can tell. If I do not get my sh#t together soon she will never pass her Assistance Dog exams! My fault not hers, obviuosly
Wonderful news, congratulations!!