We Hit A MILLION Views on YouTube!
Hello warriors, how are you?
As you can see from the look on my face, I was a bit shocked:
I was actually filming a guide at the time and I had to go onto the channel to check the title of another guide when I saw this:
So that really was my face LOL and then I did this:
As I just couldn’t believe it!
I feel like so much has happened so quickly and I am so grateful. Its an absolute honour to be able to be a part of everyone’s journey. I spent most of the 16 years I have been chronically ill, feeling totally isolated.
Now, every single day I get to link with people who truly understand what it feels like to have the life that you knew; taken away from you.
To celebrate, I went and got my nails done. I know its not important at all, but when they are done I feel so glam! I only had nails in my 40’s as they were always riddled with Psoriasis. So, I really cannot believe how different our hands looks when they are done.
I also ordered a ‘do it for you’ lawnmower. It was about £230, WTF! I know, but I figured if it works well, I will save much more than that as I won’t have to pay a gardener. Lets face it, cooking is not safe for me…..cutting the grass would result in an A&E trip! I really hope it is good, most were over £1,000. If its good, I will let you know x
I am constantly amazed by the inspiring people I meet, those I get to hear from and I literally cannot wait to be able to do a LIVE and to chat with you.
This is my goal now, to just get my big girl pants on, be brave and do a live. I will say sorry in advance if I totally screw it up and the first attempt is a total fail LOL
But, I think that you all get that I am really crap with technology and would prefer that I give it an attempt rather than fear/avoid it.
I am just going to go for it!
I am going to put a er….crap, something, thingy on YouTube so people will be able to see it. I think I will do a video as well so we can get as many people as possible on it.
I really want to ask people what guides they want the most and to be able to answer peoples questions.
I am also going to set up the ‘community’ thing as well before this so people can join that. Only the first two levels as I want to create emoji’s for people to use and make sure I provide value.
I am super excited about this.
Achievement of the week
My achievement this week is basically, being more self aware. I have never been very good at having a life as well as working. And I was determined that in this new career that is me highlighting how to live with chronic illness in a positive manner; well I would get a life AND focus on my health.
So, far I have sort of failed at this. I just find it easier to focus on work, even more so now that it makes such a difference to people.
I think a major development for me is that based on the people I am working with, its clear in our conversations if I am doing ok or not. And as we all really understand each others situations, its really helping me be more self aware.
I have reduce down the amount of days I do consultancy meetings on, as the report writing takes time. 99% of the time, I cannot write the report straight after the meeting as we are all knackered when we have finished talking about PIP.
PIP takes so much out of you, even when I am in ‘work mode’ its challenging to figure out the unique life of the individual and then see how their life fits with PIP.
I feel like the next two weeks will be MAJOR progress weeks on the systems in place as a team.
YOLO is now totally on it with running our communication network.
Fawkes is working on our next big project, hopefully coming within the next few weeks.
Duracell is also constantly on the go (LOL) and is making MASSIVE leaps forward in ensuring our culture and approach is aligned so she can start doing consultancy meetings herself.
AND, Passionate Agility is nearly ready to start editing.
For all of them, the hold up has been: ME. You know when everything is going at 100 miles an hour and you are trying to be proactive.
I really am hopefully the next couple of weeks brings it all together.
What has made me happy this week
Look!!!!! I went to the PO Box and it was full (it’s a small one, but I got a slightly harsh ‘you need to come weekly’ prompt from the team at Royal Mail LOL).
Thank you: FIERY WAFFLER!! Seeds are still arriving LOL
Then these arrived, I am NOT going to name people as I do not want any negative attention on my supporters. Thank you so so much!
These are solar powered lights:
Ollie got a gift:
Which I really appreicated as her old lead was a smidge worn! She opens all packages for me as its exhausting and difficult. She LOVES opening stuff:
Matilda observers LOL….or cheers from the sidelines hahaha
When she opens it, she then leaves it for me to get:
She truly helps me every day!
I miss being able to buy books, so I put a couple on the Amazon wish list, I got this! That will be a summer read, when I am at my best as I really don’t have a clue about the immune system but it rules my life. I am so grateful that people sent me things to say thank you.
No-one sent cat food or dog food LOL, I think people want to send something they deem as nice. I also put ink, paper, etc things I use for people struggling with PIP on the list.
Here is the link if you are interested:
But, please please do NOT send me anything if you are skint. I am OK. I can afford food, heat and Ollie/pets. So, I am very very fortunate.
Books I have read
Still none, but I refused to remove this section LOL
Arthritic update
I can still feel the impact of the ‘tense’ week. I am recovering and starting to get back to my normal. But every other night is a really bad night. So, I am simply starting work at about 02:00 and turning it into a positive.
I had to get my eyes tested this week and the Optician could see a change that is due to meds. That was interesting as I have never spoken to a Doctor about any impact to my eyes, well other than dry eye or er…..leaky eyes. Not crying…..not conjunctivitis….you know where they tear up?
I also realised that my mum (obviously not on purpose), moved my treasure chest under my desk. I use it as a foot rest. I didn’t realise until today that I had stopped using it as I couldn’t easily reach it. That explains the change in knee pain.
My shoulders have been worse as well, I think this was due to a pillow issue. We have to be SO protective of everything we do, any small change can result in increased pain/fatigue for a long time.
And the changes can be so minor that to, well even myself I did not spot them until my pain was slightly different and I now have the experience and baseline (which constantly moves) clear so I can pinpoint the root cause and adapt as quickly as possible.
So, not a great week, but so much better than the week before = WIN.
I have planned on doing a video for a while about the Governments plans verses my goals. In all honesty, we agree on many things.
Apart from, targeting one of the most vulnerable communities. But, I am really scared to do this now as I don’t want to draw too much attention.
I am thinking about it. As I have had a few people mention it. I think I will see how the live goes and if lots of people ask questions or have fears about it. Then I will do a video.
Another thought is I do NOT want to do ‘click bait’ videos and I feel like this is sort of in that category. So, it’s on hold for now.
As soon as our editor is up and running, I am going to prioritise doing an updated ‘Claim Form’ and ‘Review’ step by step guide.
The great thing about working so closely with people is that I am constantly learning. I do wish that I could do some training with all of you at the START of the process as its so much easier to get it right from there.
When people find me for the start of the process, its saves so much time and energy. Not to mention tax payers money!
Instead of submitting hundreds of pages of ‘evidence’ that is not relevant (not your fault – the people that did this). There is not enough guidance on this.
So, DWP spends HOURS going through it, which is a waste of time. Then the individual gets distracted and talks about so much that is not relevant. So, the outcome is not accurate. Also you all know we have the challenge with ‘accuracy’.
Don’t forget, the assessor doesn’t allocate the points. The case worker does. So that is ANOTHER person who has to go through everything and try and figure out if the individual is entitled to it.
So, then it goes to Mandatory Reconsidation and many people submit even more evidence. So, ANOTHER person from DWP has to try and go through it all to figure it out.
THEN, it goes to Tribunal. So, you guessed it….ANOTHER person from DWP goes through it. ALL of it, the evidence from the claim. The Mandatory Reconsideration and the new information submitted for the Tribunal. If they do not make the person an offer.
Finally, the Judge, the Doctor and the Disability Specialist…..of and ANOTHER DWP
person if they are in attendance. They all have to go through everything as well.
I mean WTF. What a total waste of time. This is a VAST amount of money. I mean can you image how much this all costs. And I have not even mentioned the admin team at DWP that have to log everything on the system. Read all of the emails that have been sent to them, log all of the phone calls.
My process makes it much easier for EVERYONE and saves the individual excessive distress. And the poor PIP person who is trying to figure out if you are entitled to it or not.
On many occasions DWP have complimented people for the submission packs they have put in. Whether it’s a review, MR or Tribunal. I think honestly they are relieved when they get them as they can crack on with their jobs and be clearer on the important questions.
This enables them to assess people more fairly, in my opinion.
What I am looking forward to
Tomorrow, I have two meetings with two amazing women. Both women have similar personalities and are determined to NOT let their conditions rule their lives.
I am so honoured to be able to support them in their journeys.
I am also looking forward to:
Ollie might have her exam in a couple of months, so I am looking forward to do more training with her. To do this, I need to cut back on the amount of work I am doing. I think that will be possible.
I just want to get all of the reports I have written and done. It bothers me, to not have them complete.
I need to sort my mortgage, year end accounts….crap this is NOT what I am looking forward to LOL. But you know when you have crap to do and you know you WILL feel better once its done. That’s, how I feel. Hopefully next week I will be able to say its all submitted and being working on by the professionals LOL.
OK, I am sort of looking forward to this. I am going to TRY and take a day off. I don’t normally do this as I feel better with my mental health when I achieve something every day. But when I was working with Robin, which was mainly ‘mindset’ I need to focus on ‘freedom’.
Hmmm….freedom to do things I enjoy…..WORK…..no no…..ok things I enjoy that are NOT work. Ok….I would like to plant some seeds that the FIERY WAFFLER sent me!
My mum got the pots out for me and will put the soil in, bless her. They are pots that hang on a fence. So, I am going to hang them on the water butts so I can easily water them and they are up high so safe from the SAS Slugs that share the land I am on hahahaha
This weeks video
Take care of yourselves